Acorns, I'm surrounded by acorns each fall. I live on a hill and am fortunate to be surrounded by many massive, beautiful oak trees. I was very surprised that first fall when the ground was absolutely covered by acorns. I had never seen so many in one yard. You know what else acorns bring? Squirrels! Everywhere! They sure have a feast in my yard and drive the dogs nuts. But, I don't mind as I am a nature lover. I named my home Acorn Hill that first fall.
Be careful what you pray for! God gave me the chance to do what I have been praying for all these years, and I finally did it! I quit my corporate job! Now I am working at home, getting those creative juices flowing again that had been hidden for so many years. I've spent all summer researching creative outlets for myself, experimenting with a little bit of everything crafty, and reading everything I can get my hands on related to my interests. Can I say "I LOVE this work!" The coffee pot is always on! My husband and daughters know where to find me most of the time and the dogs are overjoyed that I am home with them all the time. My sweet hubby even bought me a new sewing machine!
As a bumper sticker says, "I brake for yard sales." I would also add "...and antique stores, thrift stores, roadside trash, and dumpsters." That's me. I'll turn the car around and search through someone's trash on the roadside if I see an interesting item when passing. I've also been known to "dumpster dive" with one of my daughters for some very great chairs, 16 of them! There is a multitude of great clothes and linens at thrift stores and some of this ends up in landfills if not bought. Do you know some folks will actually throw away clothes and furniture they do not want instead of donating them? Really people? Just today in my neighborhood I found a 28"x40" antique picture frame in excellent shape sitting at the road for trash pickup. Do you know what those things cost? There is something about these items I find, they have a story. I love the worn, used look on furniture.
I have probably driven my husband and girls crazy asking their opinions on items I have repurposed for sale. The furniture I have refinished will stay in the family for now as I do not want to worry about shipping large items. But the smaller, upcycled items will be for sale. I am in the process of listing many items on Etsy and hopefully they will be available for purchase by the end of next week, or hopefully before the first day of fall. Listing items--a large task in itself!
Cooking is another great joy. Since I have to eat gluten free and the stores are lacking good GF baked goods, I started to go down that road and cook GF items to sell locally. I still may pursue that avenue at a later date.
My blog and my shop had to be Acorn Hill Home because everything I create comes from the heart of my home. I will post on this blog when I officially open my store on Etsy. Have a GREAT FALL and keep checking this blog for updates and photos of Acorn Hill Home, life as I know it and love it!
"Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4