Never laziness!! I started reading fiction books again. The year of 2013 was spent mostly reading DIY, decorating, inspirational and spiritual books. It must be my age, but I found a couple of Ann B. Ross books at a used book store the other day about Miss Julia and her many quests and read one in short time. Now I want to read more of her delightful books as well as some by Debbie Macomber. Should I add fiction books, certainly! Problem for me is, when I start a book I find it hard to put it down to do anything else. Therefore, I shall limit myself to one per week as I don't need that constant distraction from working at home. I will always keep reading my other aforementioned books as well, as they give me ideas for work and spiritual inspiration. As Holbrook Jackson has said and I quote, "The time to read is any time: no apparatus, no appointment of time and place is necessary. It is the only art which can be practiced at any hour of the day or night, whenever the time and inclination comes, that is your time for reading; in joy or sorrow, health or illness." Reading is certainly not laziness if put in the proper prospective and it does not hinder you from your appointed tasks. Personally, I do not understand those that hate reading, really, what do you do with your time?
But, after reading that one book, I was ready to get back to work again recycling. I have listed some new aprons on my Etsy store, . Give them a look see. They are just some half aprons made from recycled men's casual shirts, but I like how they look. Next I will work on some sturdy garden aprons for spring. I welcome ideas for anything you would like to see me try! Only in trying anything new can I fail, and only in failing can I succeed.
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